Child Safeguarding Statement
Child Safeguarding Statement
This Child Safeguarding Statement relates to services offered by Technology for Education Solutions Pty Ltd ABN 13 615 445 951 T/A Lumination (‘The Company’) for children and young adults (‘Children/Child’).
We have zero tolerance of child abuse and are committed to creating a child safe environment both in-person and online. Children’s safety and wellbeing is paramount and Lumination recognises that it is important to create an environment where all children and young adults feel valued and safe.
Lumination empowers Children to find their voice and ensure that they are heard, respected and valued.
Clearances and Checks
All Employees must have a Working with Children Check before attending to any child-related activities.
Training and Development
Lumination Employees are provided with ongoing support and training to ensure they maintain child safe environments and know how to respond to harm or risk of harm. Continuous risk assessments of activities are conducted to ensure best practice.
As part of their induction process, new Employees receive copies of and understand our Child Safeguarding and Code of Conduct policies.
All Employees are required to complete the RRHAN-EC mandatory notification training (Fundamentals course). The RRHAN-EC assists Employees to better understand their duties in regards to mandatory reporting. Please refer to the RRHAN-EC website for more information.
Lumination Employees must abide by our PW003 : Child Safeguarding policy (currently under review) which specifies the standard of conduct required when working with children.
Respect Diversity
Lumination fosters inclusion and awareness around diversity and takes a culturally sensitive approach to our services. All Children are treated fairly, regardless of ethnicity, culture, sex, gender, social, economic, religion or ability.
Privacy and Consent
Personal information and images of Children will not be made public or provided to third parties without the consent of the Child, parent/guardian or teacher/school representative, unless there is a report of suspected harm.
Personal identifiable information of a Child under 18 years of age is not kept on our servers and systems. To request a copy of PI002 : Data Protection and Retention, please contact [email protected].
Lumination handles all information including personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth). You can view the P004 : Privacy policy (currently under review) by heading to our website