
We create immersive solutions that solve complex training, communication, logistical and technical problems.

A world leader in
immersive technology

We are pioneers in the use of advanced immersive technology; Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) to solve real world problems.

Making the complex, simple

We take complex environments, critical equipment, supply chain logistics, communication challenges and solve your real-world problems with the use of immersive technology.

New ways of learning

Our technology turns passive, rote-based learning into active, immersive, experiential learning to enable quicker understanding and higher retention. From a worker being onboarded, an employee training, or a manufacturer upskilling we are proud to develop bespoke immersive experiences.

Industry opportunities

From healthcare, retail, manufacturing, mining, agriculture, construction and a range of other industries, our immersive products increase efficiencies, reduce costs, improve conditions and speed up processes.

Device agnostic software

Our technology is secure and device agnostic, ensuring that long term technology capabilities are future proofed against advances in physical equipment.

Learning Labs

Lumination Learning Labs embed the advantages of virtual and augmented reality into your business in an automated, multipurpose and immersive environment.

Elevate training, reskilling and upskilling, increasing safety and engagement while reducing costs.


XR Simulation

Converting high-risk, high-cost training environments into low-risk, low-cost simulations. Our Virtual Reality experiences use real-world data and 3D models to generate hyper-realistic scenarios. Our team of experts design, develop and deliver custom solutions for our clients.


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